Job Search Update — JSON

2 min readFeb 24, 2022

This week I was away in Colorodo snowboarding for most of it and just got home late last night. This morning I did all my reach-outs to recruiters on LinkedIn and saw that a few people from recruiting companies reached out to me about jr. software dev roles! I followed up and and now waiting on their response. Next week I will also have my second eyes career coach go over all my stuff. This will be the last Job search update as I feel pretty hopeless and frustrated as it’s going nowhere

For the technical portion of this blog lets talk about JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a widely used format for storing and sharing data on the internet. As we talked about API’s in the past, JSON is often used in sending the data from your backend server to your frontend. An example of what JSON data looks like:

{"name":"Mikes Blog", age:1},
{"name":"Kalyas Blog", age:4},
{"name":"Violets Blog", age:3}

As you can see, the syntax requires key:value pairs like you see in JS objects, the data is seperated by commas and the curly brackets hold objects while the square brackets hold arrays. While it looks like an object, it is sent back and forth to the server as a string, you can use JS to parse the string and convert the data into an object to then run your typical JS object methods to use the data you need:

let blogObject = JSON.parse(data)

This will let us access the JSON string sent by the server as an object! If you want to send object data to your server for storage/data persistence, you can use the following method to turn the object into a JSON string:

let JSONString = JSON.stringify(data)

with ‘data’ being the name of the declared object. As you can see, JSON is useful because when storing data on a server, it has to be in string format, this allows us to convert complex objects into simple strings for light-weight storage and allows us to access this data and convert it back into object format to use the data on our frontend websites!

